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About Our Fainters


Mini Silky Fainting Goats make wonderful pets! They're small, under 25", and carry the traits of the Myotonic breed (also referred to as Tennessee Fainting goats). All are registered with the (MSFGA) and (MGR). Most of of our beauties are bred to have long flowing coats, bangs that appear to look like a Terrier, and a long beard. We also have a few of our breeders with blue eyes.


A Mini can live 10 years or even 15. Their average height is around 20" and total weight around 60 lbs.


Please remember that Mini's don't do well alone; they need to be with 3-4 others to thrive and remain healthy.




Developed in the late 1990's by crossing Tennessee Fainting Goats with long haired Nigerian Dwarfs, this breed is new and very unique in the way they play, look, and interact with others.

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